Friday 29 May 2015



Sensory memory: 1) Iconic (visual) 2) Echoic (auditory)
Sensory Memory involves stimulus, and senses, in this part, two of our primary sensory memories are our eyesight and our hearing. These sensory memories are pretty much limited, where it can only hold up memories between 1 to 4 seconds.

Short Term Memory, or Working Memory.
Sensory Memory can be in the form of Short Term Memory (STM), where memories can be held for a longer duration, of between 12-30 seconds without any rehearsal, through selective attention. Without selective attention the stimulus that stimulates the sensory memory might just have no significance, since it will be lost in matter of seconds, but to make the stimulus a little longer to last, is to pay attention, only than will the stimulus be held in the STM, where it could be remembered a little longer. Our STM can only hold between 5 to 9 bits of information, where the magical number, or the common number of bits that can be held is 7. However, the duration and the capacity of information held in the STM can be further improved through Maintenance Rehearsal and Chunking.

Long Term Memory.
Memories stored in Long Term Memory (LTM), are considered to last more or less permanently, and capacity is always and will ever be unlimited. STM can be further improved to LTM through Elaborative Rehearsal, where memories are kept for longer times. LTM can be divide into to subsequent parts, that is  Declarative Memory and Non Declarative Memory. Declarative Memories are the memories that comes through you conscience, which you are fully aware of, which are facts and general knowledge. Non Declarative Memory however, is the type of memory that you are aware of, to put in other words, memories that comes by itself, like skills. Riding a bicycle is something you cannot express or say, it happens to come by itself. That is Non Declarative Memory.

Say that you were reading a text message sent by your mother, consider this as an example of Iconic Memory, and at the same time,  your friend is calling your name, take it as a form of Echoic Memory, where both of the stimulus, are that of the Sensory Stimulus.You are not aware that your friend is calling. This is what we call Selective Attention, where we are only aware of the memory that we pay attention to, like in this case, the text message that your mother has sent to you, that you are currently reading. In that message, your mother asks you to buy some toothpaste for your home, and when suddenly, your hand phone switches off by itself. It turned out to that your hand phone ran out of battery, and what you do is, you try to recall what your mother had just sent to you. The image of the text appears for only a short time, and you successfully noted what your mother wants you to do. When this happens, you successfully sent the encoded memory to your Short Term Memory, where the memory lasts a little longer. And because your mother happens to be the most important thing in your life, Elaborative Rehearsal takes place, where you store the memory due to the fact that the piece of encoded memory is meaningful, and you just upgraded the encoded memory to your Long Term Memory "storage", where you can recall what your mother wants you to do anytime anywhere, and anyhow.

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